Why AI is great for Software Developers - 2023

This is my opinion why I think that software developers will love Artificial Intelligence.

I am a software engineer in Web development with 11 experience in front-end and started to learn back-end in the last few years. I've also watched courses on Pluralsight about AI fundamentals like neural networks and math. I've also watched a lot of general content on YouTube about Artificial Intelligence and its impact on various topics like jobs and the economy

These are the points from the video:

- Cross-platform Full-stack. It takes years of studying and working to get specialized in writing software for a particular environment. After you learn the fundamentals you can move faster in a new technology than when starting but it is still slow because each programming language has its specific nuances and the environment can be different. With AI you can generate best practice code instantly and get feedback instantly about what you are writing

- Productivity. Programmers use a lot of specialized tools in their day-to-day activities. In my case, for Front-end development I use: MacOS, VS Code, Google Chrome, Self-Manager.net. They use programs, extensions, and public packages. Tools with tools that use tools. Artificial Intelligence is another tool for improving tools

- Secure code. Certain fields in the software industry require more security than others. With AI your code can be instantly verified if it violates security standards set by top experts in the field

- Learning and doing things faster. As software developers, we use different services which have their own documentation. Understanding to work with it requires good time, attention, and practice. Artificial Intelligence can go through the documentation, understand it and explain it to you for various cases that you want to use

- Understand external code faster by getting a summary of what's happening in particular scenarios. Some packages don't have great documentation but you can still check their source code. It takes AI far less time than a person to fully understand it and explain it to you at different technical levels. Can be great also for reading code in a language that you don't know

- Get recommendations on why a certain technology stack is better for your case

- Maybe a new generation of software products like Autonomous Database from Oracle. Storage is a fundamental part of computers and improving it offers many benefits

- Faster time to production and faster updates. Software is being developed faster because of all of the above points

- More access to no code tools for regular people. More demand in the tech sector. Demand for developers for building such tools and scaling the tools built with no code tools

- Better products. A lot of things in 2023 depend on the software and having better software will improve the products.

- Exciting times for developers. I think their experience working with the software will be improved

- I think we are lucky to be living in this time. It took people many years to develop this technology

Sorca Marian

Freelancer software engineer and architect


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